
Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Fun Bell Has Rung

Here are good examples of the tents that were all over the track this past Saturday.

Let’s make it official; my Saturday runs are no longer fun.

I know there are some of you that swear by running, that it’s wonderful, it helps you clear your mind, it increases your energy, blah, blah blah.  Truth is, you have a mental disease.  You are kind of like the people that have Alzheimers; they are sick, but they just don’t know it.  You running lovers have this same problem.  I am still healthy enough to know better.

My runs are starting to get longer.  Saturdays are my speed days; I go to a track, and run like a freaking banshee for much too long.  Yesterday I warmed up for 2.25 miles, then ran 6 half-mile intervals at a 3:20 pace, then cooled down with 1 mile.  (The whole time, I was dodging a bunch of lacrosse teams whose parents deemed the running track the best place to set up their spectator tents.  How silly of me to think that the track was for running, and the grass for tents and chairs.  It’s like they think their tax dollars went towards that track or something.  But I digress.)

I got home.  I was very sweaty, I was very tired, I was very hungry, and pretty much just grumpy.  I have to admit, Boston was not motivating at that point…just about the only thing that sounded motivating was sitting in fetal position in a cool, quiet place, eating lots of food, and sleeping for like 4 days.

My total distance this week was 31 miles.  That is continuing to climb each week.  Most of my workouts are 45-60 minutes long and burn between 800 and 1000 calories.  This is hard work.

So, I’ll worry about a good attitude tomorrow.  Today, I am going to consciously wallow in self pity lol.

For all of you running lovers, we need to find you treatment.

Until the next post!

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