
Friday, May 17, 2013

The First Setback

Well, being the ripe old age of 32, I was bound to have knee issues.

Truth is, if you look at my brothers, we all walk a little bit like ducks.  Not totally like ducks, but a little bit.  We got it from our dad.  Skyler, my youngest brother, is adopted.  You wouldn't be able to tell really, except for the fact that he doesn't walk like a duck...the lucky duck.

Two of my brothers have had knee issues before.  My dad has had knee issues.  None of it has required surgery or anything, but it seems that I have similar genes to my family.  Go figure.

After my run on Wednesday, I had swelling and soreness in my left knee.  Will take a couple days off.  I imagine we'll be treading this fine line for the next 4 months, exercising as much as possible without causing significant injury.  When I ran my half marathon I dealt with the same thing but my knees seemed to adjust as I trained.

At first, I was disappointed and thought, "well, there goes the goal.  If my body won't handle the training, I can't make it."  But, Coach Eric told me to try again on Saturday.  We'll see what happens.  You never know if you don't try.

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